Her chauffeur says there's nothing wrong with the car that he could find, so there's a mystery.
Chauffeur findet nichts Defektes. Das ist rätselhaft.
Pardon me, lieutenant, but speaking of drivers is Miss Porter's chauffeur here?
Verzeihung, Lieutenant, apropos Fahrer... Ist Miss Porters
Chauffeur hier?
- Yeah,you see... he used to work as a chauffeur for some retired general in Santa Monica.
Er war der
Fahrer eines General a.D. in Santa Monica.
Pardon, madame, but Mr. Darrell wishes to know if the chauffeur might drive him to the station.
Pardon, Madame, Mr. Darrell möchte wissen... ob der
Fahrer ihn zum Bahnhof bringen kann.