"just as well" auf Deutsch

Ausführliche Übersetzungen für "just as well"

just as well

just as well
It'll work just as well as the original, but it shouldn't attract the replicators.
Sie wird ebenso gut funktionieren, ohne die Replikatoren anzulocken.
She say everybody else gonna be callin' him that... so we might just as well be the first.
Alle werden ihn so nennen, da können wir ebenso gut damit anfangen.
just as well
If you're going to vanish every time a relative appears... we might just as well put up the
Wenn Sie jedes Mal wegbleiben, wenn Verwandte vorbei kommen, können wir genauso gut den Laden
My village is just as well situated to control the valley as Gan Dafna.
Mein Dorf könnte das Tal genauso gut kontrollieren.

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