They oughta be. They're three that were stolen in the raid and wasn't brought back with the others.
Sie wurden beim Überfall
gestohlen und nicht zurückgebracht.
Well, pissed off, of course. Whatever was stolen from you must have been very important.
Was dir
gestohlen wurde, muss wichtig sein.
They were in Miami to kill a man named Arthur Herk, who had stolen money from his employer.
Sie sollten Arthur Herk umlegen, der seinen Arbeitgeber
bestohlen hatte.
I had my purse stolen once and the policeman was great. very caring. Not what you'd expect at all.
Ich wurde mal
bestohlen und der Polizist war toll, nicht wie man erwartet.
A truckload of confiscated weapons was stolen from a police warehouse. The weapons included dozens
Eine Wagenladung konfiszierter Waffen ist aus dem Polizeilager
entwendet worden.
They had them stolen in an entirely unexpected way. - I'd like to know how.
Sie sind mir in unerwarteter Weise
entwendet worden.