Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "A" - Seite 27 accordingaccording toaccording to /acc. to/according to a patternaccording to all accountsaccording to circumstancesaccording to cleanroom standardsaccording to contractaccording to data protection rulesaccording to definitionaccording to demandaccording to directionsaccording to environmental factors worthy of being protectedaccording to formaccording to GMP guidelinesaccording to her lightsaccording to his/her lightsaccording to instructionsaccording to local loreaccording to media reportsAccording to my understanding of the letter, it means something different.according to our arrangementAccording to our intelligence ...according to performanceaccording to planAccording to police, the fire broke out in the living room, near the sofa.according to popular opinionAccording to press reports he is already receiving death threats from his soon-to-be fellow prisoners.according to protocolaccording to received wisdomaccording to regulationsaccording to reports from sth., ...according to sampleaccording to sb.according to scaleaccording to scheduleaccording to standardsaccording to statisticsaccording to tasteaccording to tax lawaccording to thataccording to the agreementAccording to the Bible, the world was created in six days.according to the bookaccording to the calendaraccording to the Christian calendaraccording to the collection orderaccording to the constructionaccording to the contract/agreementAccording to the definition you yourself have cited, the two terms mean the opposite.according to the Jewish calendaraccording to the mottoaccording to the overall conceptaccording to the proposalaccording to the reportaccording to the rotation scheduleaccording to the rulesaccording to the seasonaccording to the situationaccording to the statisticsaccording to the tariffaccording to what you saidaccording to whichaccordinglyaccordingly, there will be no disciplinary action.accordionaccordion dooraccordion doorsaccordion folderaccordion foldersaccordion pleatsaccordionistaccordionistsaccordionsaccordsaccostedaccostingaccostsaccouchement accountaccount /acc., acct./account analysisaccount and riskaccount associationaccount authorisationaccount authorizationaccount balanceaccount booksaccount cardaccount cardsaccount carrying chargesaccount categoryaccount classificationaccount codeaccount columnaccount columnsaccount compositionaccount consolidationaccount controlaccount currencyaccount currentaccount dayaccount daysaccount debtoraccount designationaccount designationsaccount displayaccount durationaccount executiveaccount filesaccount formaccount formationaccount formsaccount groupaccount group titleaccount headeraccount held on trustaccount holderaccount holdersaccount in balanceaccount inventory tapeaccount keepingaccount levelaccount locatingaccount maintenanceaccount maintenance chargeaccount maintenance chargesaccount managementaccount management feeaccount manageraccount managersaccount masteraccount master recordaccount movementsaccount nameaccount numberaccount number positionaccount number positionsaccount number setupaccount number supplementaccount numbersaccount ofaccount of chargesaccount of salesaccount padaccount payee onlyaccount periodaccount periodsaccount plain textaccount planningaccount postingaccount processingaccount reconciliationaccount registeraccount registersaccount selectionaccount settingsaccount specific