Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "B" - Seite 126 to be a loserto be a lost causeto be a magnet for scandalto be a major influenceto be a male preserveto be a male/female preserveto be a man about townto be a match for sb.to be a matter close to sb.'s heartto be a matter of concernto be a matter of sth.to be a member at the barto be a member of the buttercup familyto be a member of the nobilityto be a member of the partyto be a member of the supervisory boardto be a memeber of a committeeto be a minorto be a missionaryto be a mixed blessingto be a moneymakerto be a multitaskerto be a mustto be a must-doto be a must-haveto be a native Berlinerto be a natural fact like birth and deathto be a no-showto be a no-show at an appointmentto be a nonagenarianto be a notch aboveto be a nuisance to sb.to be a participant in the pension fundto be a passing acquaintanceto be a pervertto be a pipe smokerto be a poisoned chaliceto be a political animalto be a Pollyannato be a poor conductorto be a portent ofto be a possible suspectto be a powerhouse of energyto be a preludeto be a protected animalto be a pushoverto be a racistto be a rancherto be a real cutieto be a real visionto be a regular occurrenceto be a reproach to sb.to be a right-wingerto be a sailorto be a scrag of a man/woman/animalto be a self-fulfilling prophesyto be a selloutto be a shade fasterto be a single parentto be a slap in the face for sb.to be a slave ofto be a slogto be a small-scale affairto be a smart spenderto be a smart-assto be a smooth talkerto be a sore loserto be a sound sleeperto be a source of ideasto be a sporty dresserto be a statement of the obviousto be a staunch/devout believer in sth.to be a stealto be a stickerto be a stone's throw away from sth.to be a strain onto be a strain on sb.'s nervesto be a strangerto be a stretch to be a strict disciplinarianto be a strict vegetarianto be a stunner/a luluto be a style leaderto be a successto be a sucker for so./sth.to be a swindlerto be a thing of the pastto be a thrifty spenderto be a trial to sb.to be a tribute to sth.to be a tribute/homage to the musicals of the 40sto be a trouble to sb.to be a washoutto be a world-beater in a fieldto be abeyantto be ablazeto be ablaze with lightto be ableto be able to afford sth.to be able to breathe freely againto be able to come to sth. or get sth.to be able to conceive of sth.to be able to cope with sth.to be able to cross the placentato be able to deal {dealtto be able to do sth.to be able to do sth. blindfold/blindfoldedto be able to do/manage without sb./sth.to be able to freely profess one's beliefs and to practise one's faithto be able to go outto be able to lay claim to an achievementto be able to look after oneselfto be able to look forward to sth./ to expect sth..to be able to move about feelyto be able to play both by ear and by readingto be able to read and writeto be able to see the full extent of sth.to be able to spare sb./sth.to be able to stand sb./sth.to be able to tell sth.to be aboardto be abolishedto be aboutto be about sth.to be about to collapseto be about to do sth.to be about to happento be above reproachto be above sb.'s headto be above sth.to be above such thingsto be above the cloudsto be absentto be absent for a whileto be absent-mindedto be absolutely determinedto be absolutely forbidden/prohibitedto be absolutely liableto be absorbedto be absorbed by sth.to be abuzz with sth.to be academically supervisedto be acceptable to sb.to be accepted as legally bindingto be accessible by car or other means of transportto be accordant with sth.to be accountable for sth. to sb.to be accountable under civil lawto be accustomedto be achievedto be acknowledged as sth./to be sth.to be acquainted withto be actionable on proof of damage / per quodto be actionable without proof of damage / per seto be activeto be active in politicsto be active in public health