Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "B" - Seite 140 to be on standbyto be on striketo be on suicide watchto be on targetto be on the A-listto be on the ballto be on the beamto be on the benchto be on the boilto be on the bottleto be on the brink of extinctionto be on the brink of ruinto be on the brink of sth.to be on the brink of warto be on the cardsto be on the chopping blockto be on the declineto be on the defensiveto be on the docketto be on the doleto be on the downgradeto be on the early shiftto be on the edge of a precipiceto be on the edge of disasterto be on the fenceto be on the fiddleto be on the firing lineto be on the goto be on the hit listto be on the horizonto be on the horns of a dilemmato be on the hustingsto be on the increaseto be on the jobto be on the look-out forto be on the lookout forto be on the looseto be on the maketo be on the mendto be on the moveto be on the needleto be on the nickelto be on the offensiveto be on the outsideto be on the plump sideto be on the point ofto be on the pullto be on the qui viveto be on the razzleto be on the rightto be on the right trackto be on the riseto be on the rocksto be on the ropesto be on the runto be on the run / lamto be on the safe sideto be on the same pageto be on the shelfto be on the simmerto be on the skidsto be on the skiveto be on the spotto be on the staffto be on the stageto be on the supervisory boardto be on the taketo be on the topto be on the upto be on the up and upto be on the upgradeto be on the verge of ruinto be on the verge of warto be on the wagto be on the wagonto be on the waiting listto be on the waneto be on the wanted listto be on the warpath to be on the way to recoveryto be on the winning/losing sideto be on the wrong trackto be on the/one's beat, to be walking the beatto be on top of the worldto be on tourto be on trackto be on trialto be on vacationto be on your calendarto be on your deathbedto be on your honour/honor to do sth.to be on your mettleto be on your ownto be on your way outto be on-callto be onboardedto be one's own manto be one's typeto be oneselfto be ongoingto be onlineto be only a shadow of one's former selfto be only partially successfulto be only superficially woundedto be opento be open / subject to either interpretationto be open for acceptanceto be open for inspectionto be open to all comersto be open to criticismto be open to interpretationto be opposed to sth.to be opposite sb.to be opposite sb./sth.to be or not to beto be oratorically giftedto be ordered to pay a fineto be ordinarily residing/resident abroadto be oriented towards sth.to be orphanedto be ossifiedto be ostentatious about sth.to be ostentatiously about sth.to be outto be out and aboutto be out and about againto be out forto be out for revengeto be out for the countto be out in one's calculationsto be out of all proportion to sth.to be out of boundsto be out of conditionto be out of controlto be out of favour with sb.to be out of favour/favor with sb.to be out of fundsto be out of jointto be out of officeto be out of one's depthto be out of one's elementto be out of one's headto be out of operationto be out of orderto be out of placeto be out of plumbto be out of pocketto be out of positionto be out of practiceto be out of puffto be out of serviceto be out of sightto be out of sortsto be out of squareto be out of sync/synchto be out of the frameto be out of the question