"found weapons become state property six months after the find has been reported unless they are claimed by their owner" auf Deutsch Found weapons become State property six months after the find has been reported, unless they are claimed by their owner. Aufgefundene Waffen fallen ein halbes Jahr nach Meldung des Fundes dem Staat anheim, wenn sie vom Eigentümer nicht beansprucht werden. Ausführliche Übersetzungen für "found weapons become state property six months after the find has been reported unless they are claimed by their owner" Found weapons become State property six months after the find has been reported, unless they are claimed by their owner. Found weapons become State property six months after the find has been reported, unless they are claimed by their owner. Aufgefundene Waffen fallen ein halbes Jahr nach Meldung des Fundes dem Staat anheim, wenn sie vom Eigentümer nicht beansprucht werden.