Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "G" - Seite 105 to go clubbingto go cold turkeyto go commandoto go completely/deathly silentto go crackersto go crazyto go cuckooto go dancingto go dottyto go downto go down fightingto go down for a countto go down in historyto go down in priceto go down on bended knee before sb.to go down the drainto go down the tubesto go down to the wireto go down wellto go down with sb.to go down/live on in the annals of sportsto go downhillto go downmarketto go downstairsto go dryto go Dutchto go easy on resourcesto go easy on sb.to go easy on the drinkto go easy on/with sth.to go firstto go fishingto go flatto go for a 5-km runto go for a blowto go for a burtonto go for a career as a musicianto go for a Chinese/Greek/an Indianto go for a Chinese/Greek/an Indian mealto go for a dipto go for a driveto go for a mealto go for a peeto go for a picnicto go for a pizzato go for a rideto go for a run in the carto go for a sailto go for a songto go for a spinto go for a strollto go for a swimto go for a test drive in a carto go for a walkto go for a walk lasting an hour to go for a walk/ramble/hiketo go for broketo go for sb.to go for sb./sth.to go for sth.to go for the jugularto go forthto go franticto go from Dresdento go from one extreme to the otherto go gagato go gallivanting around the globeto go globalto go green with envyto go grey / grayto go half-shares in sth.to go halves with sb.to go haywireto go hometo go home for the weekendto go home on furloughto go hungryto go huntingto go into go in for/hold long-term investmentsto go in front of sb.to go in front of the houseto go in Indian fileto go in single fileto go insaneto go insideto go intoto go into a comato go into a declineto go into a huddleto go into a risk with one's eyes opento go into a state of euphoriato go into a tranceto go into actionto go into administrationto go into detailsto go into effectto go into extra timeto go into hibernationto go into hidingto go into hospitalto go into hystericsto go into itto go into liquidationto go into mourningto go into natureto go into productionto go into raptures (aboutto go into retirement