Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "G" - Seite 107 to go sailingto go sb./sth. one betterto go seedto go shootingto go shoppingto go shrimpingto go slowto go smoothlyto go snorkelling/snorkelingto go somewhereto go sourto go south for the winterto go splitsvilleto go stagto go staleto go stalkingto go steady withto go straightto go straightforwardto go supersonicto go swimmingto go the extra mileto go the flicks /pictures /moviesto go the long way roundto go the paceto go the way of the dodoto go thereto go throughto go through a bad patchto go through a crisisto go through a difficult patchto go through all the possibilitiesto go through life with one's eyes opento go through sth.to go through the calculation of sth.to go through the millto go through the motions of doing sth.to go through the roofto go through with sth.to go through your pacesto go tingto go tinkleto go tiptoeing offto go toto go to a concertto go to a higher authorityto go to a holiday/vacation campto go to a lectureto go to a museumto go to a spato go to bedto go to bed with the chickensto go to churchto go to collegeto go to confession to go to excessto go to expenseto go to great lengthsto go to groundto go to heavento go to hell in a handbasket/handcartto go to lawto go to Massto go to meetto go to one's doomto go to piecesto go to pressto go to rackto go to rack and ruinto go to ruinto go to sb. with a problemto go to sb.'s headto go to sb./sth.to go to schoolto go to seato go to see sb.to go to seedto go to sleepto go to splintersto go to sth.to go to the cinema /movie theatreto go to the doctorto go to the doctor'sto go to the dogsto go to the end of the lineto go to the happy hunting groundsto go to the lakesideto go to the other extremeto go to the pollsto go to the post officeto go to the schvitzto go to the seasideto go to the seaside for one's holidayto go to the theaterto go to the theatreto go to the wallto go to the windowto go to universityto go to vespersto go to warto go to wasteto go to windwardto go to workto go to/use the toilet / restroomto go togetherto go too farto go too far afieldto go towards /toward sb.to go trick-and-treating