Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "H" - Seite 59 hen househen housedhen houseshen nighthen partyhen weekendhen's egghen's eggshen-and-chicken fernhen-and-chickenshen-roosthenbane bellhenbaneshenceHence with it!Hence, alternative measures will need to be considered.henceforthhenceforwardhenchmanhenchmenhenderson i fruit dovehenderson island crakeHenderson's ground jayhengeHenle's ligamenthennahenna-hooded foliage-gleanerhenologicalhenpecked husbandhenpeckinghenpecksHenry the IllustriousHenry the LionHenry the NavigatorHenry the QuarrelsomehensHenslow's sparrowHenst's goshawkHEPA filterhepar calcieshepatichepatic cirrhosishepatic decompensationhepatic dystrophyhepatic failurehepatic liver cirrhosishepatic tanagerhepatitehepatitishepatitis Ahepatitis in pregnancy and newbornhepatobiliaryhepatocellularhepatotocicityhepatotoxichepcatheptachlorheptachlor epoxideheptagonheptagonsheptahedra heptahedralheptahedronheptahedronsheptaneheptanucleotideheptathleteheptathletesheptathlonheptavalenthepzidineherHer Achilles tendon is still giving her trouble.her advocacy of human rightsHer appearance has not changed appreciably.Her assertions have proved false.Her behaviour is creating a lot of problems.Her behaviour is hard to tolerate/stomach sometimes.Her blonde hair was hidden underneath a peaked cap.Her body was dismembered/chopped up.Her breathing was erratic.Her bright laughter filled the air.Her career is the be-all and end-all of her existence.Her chances are not especially good/not all that good.Her children are over-scheduled.Her daughter tried to inveigle her into giving her the money for an autocycle.Her death was triggered by a burst blood vessel in the brain.her dressHer dresses are fashionable and trendy.her early worksher early writingsHer efforts cannot disguise the underlying problem.Her election to the Senate was a surprise to many.Her elegant clothing reflected her new status.her energetic chairmanshipHer Excellency /HE/her experience of being raped by her step-fatherHer eyes darted around the room/from the door to the window.Her eyes filled with tears.Her eyes flared .Her eyes glinted with excitement.Her eyes rolled.Her eyes spoke volumes of despair.Her eyes were filled with tears.Her father ransomed her for a million dollars.Her first poem was not well received.her fondest wishHer German is flawless.Her hair reached down to her waist.Her handwriting is very small.Her health is getting better but she's not out of the woods yet.Her heart grew heavy.Her heart sank, when she saw him.Her interests are many and various: Her interests are highly varied.Her knees were beginning to give way beneath her.Her LadyshipHer last years she spent in Prague, whence she came.Her letters were assembled into a book.her little aches and painsher little ailmentsHer little face poked out of the blanket.Her love was rock solid.