Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "I" - Seite 110 is designed to take ten peopleis down the drainis enoughis enthronedis hauntedIs he around?Is he rich?Is he the man you saw last night?is in attendanceis inherent inis involvedis irretrievably goneIs it all right to bring my dog?Is it alright for you?Is it alright with you?Is it even worthwhile to continue struggling with it?Is it fact or fable?Is it intended that way?Is it love or just a game?Is it male or female?Is it my fault that ...Is it OK for you?Is it OK if I call my folks back home?Is it permitted to park here?Is it theoretically possible that ...Is it time to go yet? - No, not yet.Is it worth it?is locatedis meanIs Monday convenient for you?is more kin to ... than to ...is noisyis planned for next weekis presentis promotedIs she around?is situatedis smashedIs something bugging you?is stingyis stuckis sufficientis suitableis tangent toIs television a mirror of society?is terminatedIs that definite?Is the car working?Is the pill taking effect?Is the plate still in one piece?Is the Pope Catholic?Is the saying not / Isn't the saying familiarity breeds contempt?Is the war winnable?Is there a call-back facility on this phone?Is there a skin doctor in the neighbourhood?Is there a way to bypass the bridge construction?Is there any juice left?Is there any mail for me?Is there any tea left?Is there anybody around / about ?Is there anything else?Is there enough wine to go round?Is there really any such thing as moral progress?Is there some truth in the old chestnut that your school days are the happiest of your life? Is there such a thing at all as moral progress?Is there such a thing?Is this method patented?Is this seat reserved?Is this to be interpreted/ understood as meaning that ...Is this water sparkling or still?Is this your own make?Is this/that intended?is tightIs tomorrow convenient to you?Is tomorrow convenient?is unrecoverableis/feels ashamedIsaacson's pufflegisabella orioleisabellineIsabelline bushhen/waterhenisabelline shrikeisabelline wheatearIsaiahIsarischaemiaischaemicischaemic rest painischemiaischemicischiadic apophyseal separationischiadic spineischiadic tuberischiagraischiectomyischiopubiotomyischiopubisischiumisenthalpicisentropicisentropic exponentisentropic exponentsIsèreIsfahanIshimIsidor's rufous babblerisinglassIslamIslam informs every aspect of public life there.IslamabadIslamicIslamic Army of Aden /IAA/Islamic conquestsislamic group /IG/Islamic lawIslamic Movement of Uzbekistan /IMU/IslamicateIslamisationIslamismIslamistislamist-inspiredislamist-motivatedIslamistsIslamizationIslamizedIslamizingislamophobiaisland