Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "M" - Seite 126 to make a complaintto make a complete fool of yourselfto make a compromiseto make a computation of sth.to make a confirmed reservation for sth.to make a cornerto make a corner kickto make a courtesy call on sb.to make a critical study of sth.to make a dart for a placeto make a dashto make a dash into the roadto make a date with sb.to make a decisionto make a decision involving yourselfto make a decision on the documents before the court)to make a declaration of intentionto make a defeaning noiseto make a diagnosisto make a din/racketto make a dog walk to heelto make a dogma/doctrine out of sth.to make a donationto make a draft of sth.to make a draft onto make a draft on one's accountto make a draft on sth.to make a drilling / boringto make a fast buckto make a faux paxto make a federal case of sth.to make a film /movie of sth.to make a findto make a fool of oneselfto make a fortuneto make a fraudulent conveyanceto make a gesture of apologyto make a getawayto make a good bargainto make a good dealto make a good impressionto make a good job of itto make a good saveto make a good timeto make a good/positive/bad/negative impression on sb.to make a graceful exitto make a great song and dance about sth.to make a grimaceto make a habit of doing sth.to make a job moveto make a joke of sth.to make a journeyto make a killingto make a laughing stock of yourselfto make a legto make a life for oneselfto make a livingto make a long story shortto make a lot of dustto make a lot of fussto make a lot of noise about sth.to make a lungeto make a merit of sth.to make a messto make a mess of a buildingto make a mintto make a miscalculation to make a mistaketo make a motionto make a motion for dismissalto make a mountain out of a molehillto make a move on sb.to make a neat copyto make a nice profitto make a niche for oneselfto make a noiseto make a noise in the worldto make a nonsense of sth.to make a note of sth.to make a note of sth. in the marginto make a part paymentto make a parting / partto make a passto make a pass at sb.to make a patternto make a perfect teamto make a phone callto make a pileto make a pilgrimageto make a pitch for so./sth.to make a pitch for/to so./sth.to make a plea for sth.to make a plop/splashto make a pointto make a pre-emptive bid/raiseto make a prejudgmentto make a prescriptive claimto make a pretext ofto make a projectionto make a prompt decisionto make a purchase mistaketo make a quick getawayto make a real dog's breakfast of sth.to make a real effortto make a reasonable division of tasks between the partners involvedto make a recordto make a remark (atto make a remonstrance against sth.to make a reportto make a requestto make a reservation for two people under the name ...to make a reserve for bad debtto make a resolution/resolve to do sth.to make a rod for one's own backto make a rod for your own backto make a rough guess on sth.to make a rowto make a ruling on sth.to make a run for itto make a run on the shops /storesto make a sales presentationto make a sallyto make a scathing attack on sb.to make a scene for sb.'s benefitto make a show ofto make a slipto make a slip of the pento make a solidarity contributionto make a soundto make a spliceto make a spring atto make a start on sth.to make a statementto make a statement to the press