"moves are afoot in belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded" auf Deutsch Moves are afoot in Belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded. In Belgien sind Bestrebungen im Gange, Ladendiebstahl unterhalb einer Bagatellgrenze straffrei zu stellen. Ausführliche Übersetzungen für "moves are afoot in belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded" Moves are afoot in Belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded. Moves are afoot in Belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded. In Belgien sind Bestrebungen im Gange, Ladendiebstahl unterhalb einer Bagatellgrenze straffrei zu stellen.