Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "A" - Seite 132 at eye-levelat face valueat fast speedat federal levelat firstat first appearanceat first blushat first glanceat first handat first instanceat first lightat first sightat free disposalat full blastat full loadat full peltat full speedat full tiltat full timeat full volumeat given rate or betterat Good Friday prayersat grass rootsat great costat great expenseat great lengthat ground levelat group levelat gunpointat half priceat half-mastat half-staffat halfway point of the raceat handat haphazardat harvestat heartat homeat home and abroadat home dayat hour intervalsat hourly intervalsat irregular/erratic intervalsat issueat itat largeat lastAt last, the pizza's here.At last. It was about time!at leastat least four times a weekAt least she had the gumption to phone the police.At least, so I believe.at legal interestat leisureat lengthat local government levelat local levelat locations where traffic constantly backs upat long lastAt long last the government is starting to listen to our concerns.at low costat low pricesat lunchtimeat maturityat maximumat middayat middle management levelat midnightAT mineat minute intervalsAt moments in a game some ingenious plays are needed.at mostat most 20 peopleat multiple levelsat municipal levelat my ageat my costat my expense at my requestat national and international levelat nightat nightfallat no chargeat no timeAt no time was the company informed.at noonAt noon, the sun shone through.at object timeat odd timesat onceat one extreme, ... and at the otherat one fell swoopat one goat one pushat one's own discretionat one's own riskat one's pleasureat optimal costsat own riskat parat perigeeat personal inconvenienceat pistol pointat playat point-blank rangeat presentAt present I have a different occupation.at present, for the time being, at the time ofAt pretent he is lecturing strategic marketing at the Institute of Management.at prime timeat randomat receiver's riskat reduced pricesat regular intervalsAt rehearsals you will be put through your paces.at request ofat riskat risk of povertyat road junctionsat room temperatureat roostat run timeat sb.'s behestat sb.'s discretionat sb.'s instigation/instanceat sb.'s invitationat schoolat seaat sea levelat second intervalsat seller's optionat short noticeat sightat signat sixes and sevensat some point down the lineAt some point the pipe developed a leak.at specific timesat speed of lightAt stake is nothing less than the survival of humanity.at standard conditionsat standard/default situationsat start timeat street levelat sunriseat sunsetat tableat ten at the latestat ten o'clock sharpAt that point / stage, ...at that stretchat that timeat the age ofat the age of twentyat the amount ofat the backat the back of beyond