That wouldn't help the man, would it? Insanity's not contagious, at least we can't prove it.
Wahnsinn ist nicht ansteckend,
zumindest nicht nachweisbar.
And it's about time all of us had the good sense... to at least admit that much.
zumindest zuzugeben.
Let me at least stabilize his condition, give him a chance of surviving until they get here.
Ich sollte ihn
wenigstens stabilisieren.
But, you know, at least you're open. At least you try. You feel, you are alive, you have feelings.
Aber, wissen Sie,
wenigstens sind Sie offen,
wenigstens versuchen Sie es, Sie fühlen, Sie... sind
One-hundred percent pashmina. Well, at least that's what the guy on the street told me.
Das ist ein waschechter Pashmina-Schal, meinte
jedenfalls der Strassenverkäufer.
If you ask me, Eddington couldn't have picked a better way to go... at least from his point of
Eddington hätte keinen besseren Abgang wählen können,
jedenfalls von seinem Standpunkt aus.