Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "A" - Seite 151 axle systemsaxle tubeaxle tubesaxle weightaxle-box guideaxle-guide stayaxle-load distributionaxlebox guideaxlesaxles of a buzz sawaxles of a circular sawaxletreeaxolotlAyayatollahayeAye!aye-ayeAye-aye, Sir!ayesAyeyarwadyAymaraAynuayousayres' hawk eagleAyurvedaazacitidineazaleaAzara's spinetailazaspirium chlorideazbukaAzerbaijanAzerbaijaniAzerbaijanisazimuthazimuthalazimuthal quantum numberazimuthallyazinphos-ethylazinphos-methylazipramineazlonsAzoicazoimideazolla familyazonium baseazoospermiaAzoresAzores anticycloneAzores bullfinchAzores highAzores laurelazoteazotic acidazotometerazotometersazotorrhoeaazoturiaazoxy compoundazoxy compoundsAztecAztec berryAztec liliesaztec thrushAztecanAztecsazuki beanazuki beansazureazure damselazure gallinuleazure jayazure kingfisherazure nuthatchazure rollerazure titazure-hooded jayazure-naped jayazure-rumped tanager azure-winged magpieazure-winged tanagerazuriteto a certain degreeto a certain extentto a faultto a great extentto a great/large extentto a greater degreeto a greater extentto a high degreeto a large extentto a lesser extentto a manto a nicetyto a Tto a vast extentto abandonto abandon a burning shipto abandon a businessto abandon a claimto abandon a gameto abandon a mineto abandon a planto abandon a policyto abandon a positionto abandon a principleto abandon a projectto abandon a rightto abandon a salvage operationto abandon a securityto abandon a shipto abandon all hopeto abandon an enterpriseto abandon an optionto abandon and cedeto abandon one's domicileto abandon one's domicile in a countryto abandon one's familyto abandon one's wifeto abandon sb. to his fateto abandon sb. to povertyto abandon sb./sth.to abandon shipto abandon sth.to abandon the gold standardto abandon your pledge/commitmentto abandon your residenceto abandon your singing careerto abase yourselfto abateto abate sth.to abbreviateto abbreviate a textto abdicateto abdicate sth.to abductto aberrateto abet a criminal offenceto abet an offenderto abhorto abide by a contractto abide by a decisionto abide by the lawto abide by the regulationto abide by the rulesto abide by {abodeto abide {abidedto abide {abodeto abjureto ablateto abnegateto abolish censorshipto abolish frontiersto abolish restrictionsto abolish sth.to abominateto abortto abort sth.