Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "A" - Seite 8 a long experience with/ina long goal kicka long guessa long spell of fine weathera long timea long time agoa long walka long waya long way froma long way offa long way rounda long-cherished dreama long-lasting valuable investmenta long-standing employeea longer lifea longhand drafta longtime frienda look full of hatea look of disdaina look of trepidationA look towards the sky.a looming conflicta loose assemblage of various groupsa loose cannona loose translationa lordly gesturea lorry make DAFa losing bargaina losing businessa losing priceA loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.a loss of speecha lost gameA lost opportunity never returns.a lost sheepa lot about hima lot easiera lot ofA lot of actors do not enunciate clearly.A lot of agencies fell by the wayside during the recession.a lot of peoplea lot of thingsa lot of workA lot you know !A love of nature links the two writers.a lovely spota lovey-dovey couplea low and deceitful persona low tricka low-maintenance lawna low-noise tyrea low-threshold servicea low-threshold treatmenta low-traffic roada lowercase Ea lucky streaka luminariy of child psychiatrya lump of sugarA lunar halo signifies rain.a luxury we cannot afforda machine of French makea madcap ideaa Madonna lookalikea Mafia shakedowna mainstay of the teamA majorA major breakthrough is on the horizon.a major contributiona major differencea major eventa majority of peoplea malleable personalitya malleable plana man of geniusa man of irona man of principlea man of principlesa man of stainless charactera man of steel a man of visiona man of your inchesa man of your staturea man who can't stand by his handshakea man who will always live up to his handshakea man with a chequered pasta man with a heavy builda man with a three-day growth of beardA man's praise in his own mouth stinks.a mandated territory of the League of Nationsa map of Oxford and the surrounding areaa marked increasea marked interesta marvelously told storya marvelously well-preserved castlea mass extinction of stock exchange daytradersa mass rally of small farmersa masterless horsea masterpiece of engineeringa material facta matter close to one's hearta matter of discretiona matter of facta matter of national concerna matter of relative importancea matter of timea maximum degree of responsibilitya maximum of EUR 18,000a means ofa means to an enda meat fondue with all the trimmings/fixingsa medical journala medically induced comaa meeting with a small number of participantsa membership in excess of 15 yearsa memorable daya memorandum endorsed on a document/in a placea mental blocka mere mortala mere nothingA message will appear which will prompt the user for the password.a meteoric risea methuselaha mighty concourse of peoplea mighty rocka military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniquesA mill cannot grind with the water that is past.A million is 1 with 6 zeros/noughts after it.A million sports fans will converge on the capital for the world championship.a million timesa mimic fighta mimic pistola mindless activitya mindless bureaucracyA minimal pair is a pair of words which differ only in one element / contain a difference of only one element.a ministering angelA minora minor incidenta minta minute's silencea misconceived policya miserable lifea miserable timea miserly one percent per year.a mismatcha mismatched coupleA miss is as good as a mile.a missed call alert / missed call text / missed call notification on your mobilea mission code-named 'Buffy'a misspellinga mistake of oursa mistake on our parta mistake on your parta mistake/an error in our calculationsa misty-eyed view of the pasta misunderstanding on his parta misunderstood geniusa mixed bag of sth.a mixed team