On the assembly courtyard and all around the blocks grass has taken root again.
Auf den Appellplätzen und
rings um die Blocks hat sich wieder das Gras angesiedelt.
Somebody's put them up all around the house.
Jemand hat sie
rings um das Haus drapiert.
You could put flowers all around it. I don't know what you're so upset about.
Pflanze doch
ringsum Blumen, also reg dich nicht so auf.
And all around is silence and gloom
stille und Finsternis
It could not be spoiled by the ugliness that was all around it.
Der Unrat
ringsumher konnte es nicht beschmutzen.
There are laser blasts all around us!
Wir haben
rundum Laserfeuer!
It can see all around the room at once.
- Es kann den Raum
rundum auf einmal sehen.