Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "I" - Seite 127 to infiltrate spiesto infixto inflameto inflateto inflectto inflict a fine/punishment on sb.to inflict a wound on sb.to inflict sth. on sb.to inflict/give sb. a biteto influenceto influence sb./sth.to infoldto inform against sb.to inform in advanceto inform on so.to inform on/against sb.to inform sb. knowledgeablyto inform sb. of sth. by letterto inform sb. of/about sth.to inform sth.to infringeto infringe a patentto infringe a ruleto infringe a trade markto infringe upon sb.'s rightsto infuriateto infuseto infuse a liquidto infuse sth. into sb.to ingestto ingrainto ingratiate oneselfto ingressto inhabitto inhaleto inhereto inhere in sth.to inherit in equal sharesto inherit landto inherit sth.to inhibitto initally train sb.to initial a treatyto initial sth.to initialise sth.to initializeto initiate a criminal complaintto initiate and train sb. in sth.to initiate legal actionto initiate legal proceedings against sb.to initiate legislationto initiate negotiationsto initiate sb.to initiate sb. into sth.to initiate sth.to initiate/institute/launch an investigationto initiate/set in motion a processto initiate/set in motion measuresto injectto inject sth. with sth.to injureto injure sb.to injure yourselfto ink to inlay {inlaidto innervateto innovateto inoculateto inoculate sth.to inoculate sth. into an organism/a culture mediumto inputto input {input, inputtedto inquireto inquire into sth.to inquire into the merits of sth.to inscribeto inscribe one's name in the visitors' bookto inscribe sth.to inscribe sth. to sb.to insertto insert a CDto insert a new elastic in the waistbandto insert a page-breakto insert contactsto insert sth.to insert sth. in sth.to insert sth. into sthto inset {insetto insinuate sth.to insinuate/inveigle/worm one's way into a person's sth.to insinuate/inveigle/worm one's way into sb.'s confidence/affectionsto insinuate/inveigle/worm oneself into a person's sth.to insistto insist on doing sth.to insist on one's rightsto insist on your right of wayto insist that sb. does sth.to inspectto inspect a boilerto inspect and approve sth.to inspect sth.to inspect sth. for sth.to inspect/view the locus in quo / the place / propertyto inspireto inspire sb. to sth.to inspire sth.to inspissateto installto install a standto install a telephone connectionto install a trap and trace device on sb.'s phone/lineto install oneself/so.to install sth.to instanceto instantiateto instantiate sth.to instate sb.to instigate a programme of reformsto instigate an argumentto instigate disturbancesto instigate sth.to instilto instill a liquidto instituteto institute bankruptcy proceedingsto institute maintenance proceedingsto institute maintenance/support proceedingsto institute sth.