"that s why" auf Deutsch

Ausführliche Übersetzungen für "that s why"

that's why

that's why(auch: therefore, thence)
That's why I haven't been drinking, that's why I've been puking, and that's why my boobs are so
Deswegen habe ich nichts getrunken, deswegen habe ich gekotzt und deswegen sind meine Brüste so
We know, that's why we're here, that's why you're hanging over the edge of this fucking building.
Wir wissen das, deswegen bist du hier. Deswegen hängst du hier über dem Rand des verdammten
He was in military intelligence, that's why he was trained in Russian. It was no accident he was in
Er war wohl beim Nachrichtendienst, darum Russisch, darum war er in Russland.
That is exactly why the two of you have to sit down together and that's why Tobias Beecher has to
Genau darum müsst ihr beiden euch zusammensetzen und darum muss auch Tobias Beecher dabei sein.
that's why
Phil saw you do that... that's why he followed you, that's why he was on your fire escape.
Phil sah dich dabei, deshalb folgte er dir, deshalb war er auf der Feuerleiter.
dose, and then he also told me -- so, that's why you came back me -- so, that's why you came back

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