Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "V" - Seite 25 vehicles on displayVehicles parked against the regulations are liable to be towed away at the owner's expense.vehicles used for migrant-smuggling operationsvehicularvehicular accidentvehicular intersectionvehicular outputsveilveil of ignoranceveiledveiled threatveilingveilingsveilsveinvein branchvein depositvein depositsvein fissurevein in the templevein inflammationvein mattervein of goldvein of iron orevein of orevein of silvervein of the clitorisvein of the eyelidvein orevein quartzvein rockvein stonevein stuff vein systemvein systemsvein wallvein-relatedveinedveined squidveined woodveiningveinlessveinletveinousveinsveins of goldveins of iron oreveins of oresveins of silverveins of the eyelidveinstoneVeitch's firVelavelarvelar soundvelar soundsvelcrovelcro fastenerVeldvelleityvellumvellum papervellum papersvelocipedevelocipedesvelocity