Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "I" - Seite 128 to institutionalise sb.to institutionalise sth.to institutionalizeto institutionalize sb.to instruct sb.to instruct sb. to do sth.to instrumentto insulateto insulate so./sth.to insulate sth.to insureto insure against fireto insure one's lifeto integrateto intendto intend sb. to beto intend to do sth.to intensifyto intensify sth.to intentionally ignore sb.to interactto interbreed animals {interbredto interbreed {interbredto intercalateto intercede in sth.to intercede with sb. on sb.'s behalf /for sb.to intercept a passto intercept a radiogramto intercept a telecommunicationto intercept an aircraftto intercept sth.to interchangeto intercommunicateto interconnectto interconnect sth.to intercut {intercutto interdictto interestto interest oneself in sth.to interfereto interfere with sb. /sth.to interfere with sb.'s possessionto interfere with sth.to interfingerto interfuseto intergrowto interjectto interlaceto interlace sth.to interlace storage locationsto interlaminateto interlardto interlayto interleaveto interleave sth.to interlineto interlinkto interlockto interlock functions/componentsto interlock sth.to interlopeto intermediateto intermeshto intermingle to intermitto intermixto intermix sth.to intern sb.to internalise sth.to internalize sth.to internationaliseto internationalizeto interpenetrateto interpolateto interpolate sth.to interposeto interpose a demurrerto interpretto interpret sth.to interpret sth. to sb.to interpret sth. wronglyto interrogate datato interrogate sb.to interruptto interrupt sb.to interrupt sb.'s flowto intersectto intersect with sth.to intersperse sth. with sth.to interstratifyto intertongueto intertwineto interveneto intervene in the opposition proceedingsto intervene in the playto interview (onto interview sb.to interview sb. via videoconferenceto interweave {interwoveto interwedgeto intimate sth.to intimidateto intoneto intone sth.to intoxicate sb.to intrigueto intrigue sb.to introduceto introduce a billto introduce a subjectto introduce oneselfto introduce rebutting evidenceto introduce sb. into societyto introduce sb. to sb.to introduce sb./sth.to introduce sth. before Parliamentto introduce sth. by pipetteto introduce sth. onto the marketto introduce sth./sb.to introduce the compulsory labelling of battery eggs in processed foodto introduce to the firmto introduce/move a resolutionto introjectto introspectto introvertto intrudeto intrustto intubate