Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "J" - Seite 46 to jeopardizeto jeopardize/jeopardise sth.to jerkto jerk offto jerry-build {jerry-builtto jestto jetto jettisonto jettison sb./sth.to jettison sth.to jibto jib into jibeto jigto jiggleto jiltto jingleto jinkto jink right/leftto jinx sb./sth.to jirble a liquidto jitterto jitterbugto jive to job paperto jockeyto jockey for sth.to joddle sth.to jogto jog onto jog sb.'s memoryto jog-trotto joggleto joggle sth.to jointo join (toto join a different sickness fundto join a partyto join a unionto join company with sb.to join forcesto join forces with sb.to join forces wth sb.to join into join in singingto join in speaking sth.to join in the conversation