"long" auf Deutsch

Ausführliche Übersetzungen für "long"


Didn't take me long to close the 40accounts. I was closing five a day, sometimes six.
I will testify to the fact that your service record is long and, for the most part, distinguished.
Ich werde aussagen, dass lhre Dienstakte lang und größtenteils hervorragend ist.
long(auch: vast, broad, far)
But I do know that a long time ago... actually, a long time from now... I was your most helpless
Aber vor langer Zeit, eigentlich erst weit in der Zukunft, war ich dein hilflosester Schüler.
Our bond was cut a long time ago. ♪ It is very painful to try and feel the things, Our bond was cut
As long as you're here... as long as you're with me... as long as I'm holding you... you're safe.
So lange du hier bist. So lange du bei mir bist. So lange ich dich halte... bist du in Sicherheit.
Took you this long to steal our secrets? How long does it take for your people to steal ours?
When I told the unions to strike, I told them to prepare for the long haul.
Ich sagte den Gewerkschaften, dass es langwierig werden würde.
Grieving can be a long process.

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