Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "M" - Seite 133 to misgovernto misguideto mishandleto mishear {misheardto mishit the targetto mishit {mishitto misidentify sb./sth.to misinformto misinterpret sth.to misjudgeto misjudge sth.to mislabel sth.to mislayto mislead sb. into doing sth.to mislead sb. over/about sth.to mislead sb. {misledto mislead the publicto mismanageto mismatchto misnameto misplaceto misplayto misplay the ballto misprintto misprize sb./sth.to mispronounceto mispunchto misquoteto misreadto misread sth.to misrepresent sb./sth.to misroutto misrouteto misruleto missto miss a penaltyto miss a sitterto miss an opportunityto miss one's aimto miss outto miss out on sth.to miss sb./sth.to miss sth.to miss the boatto miss the forest for the treesto miss the goalto miss the markto miss the plotto miss the pointto miss the point of the questionto miss the trainto missend {missentto missionateto missioniseto missionizeto misspeak {misspoketo misspellto misspend {misspentto misstateto mist upto mistake a for bto mistake {mistookto mistime sth.to mistranslate sth.to mistreatto mistrustto mistype sth. to misunderstand sth. {misunderstoodto misuse sth.to miterto mitherto mither onto mitigate damagesto mitigate sth.to mitre sth.to mixto mix a recordingto mix into mix into pasteto mix sth.to mix sth. into mix sth. in/into sth.to mix sth. thoroughlyto mix upto mix up sth.to mix up two thingsto mix with artiststo mizzleto moanto moan with pain/pleasureto moatto mob sb./sth.to mobiliseto mobilizeto mobilize votersto mockto mock at sb./sth.to modelto model for sb.to model oneself on sb.to model sth.to model sth. on sth.to moderateto moderate examination papersto moderate one's angerto moderate one's demandsto moderate sth.to moderate the growing demand for energyto moderniseto modernizeto modifyto modify a decisionto modify a vowelto modify sth.to modularise sth.to modularize sth.to modulateto modulate sth.to moilto moisten sth. thoroughly with sth.to moldto mold (out ofto mold paperto molderto molestto mollifyto mollycoddle sb.to moltto mondaytofridayto monetise sth.to monetize sth.to monitorto monitor a radio broadcastto monkey