Ausführliche Übersetzungen für "outstanding"


1. grade A

outstanding(auch: very good)
outstanding(auch: very good)
outstanding(auch: very good)

2. Sonstige

He was brilliant. He was outstanding in every way.
Er war hochbegabt, herausragend in jeder Beziehung.
- For being outstanding at what?
outstanding(auch: topping, sublime, looming, formidable)
Pick one, keeping in mind there's nothing to worry about as long as you're outstanding at your job.
Nehmt einen und macht euch keine Sorgen, wenn ihr hervorragend seid im Job.
But it turns out we had a case last year that we only won because I was outstanding at research.
haben, weil ich so hervorragend im Recherchieren war.
outstanding(auch: above par)
outstanding(auch: plump, opened, forthright, blatant)
I've got nothing outstanding in Oregon. 2001.

Englische Synonyme für "outstanding"

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