We protect the hydro rigs, which convert Earth's sea water into fusion energy for the new colony.
sichern die Hydro-Türme, die Meerwasser in Fusionsenergie für die neuen Kolonien verwandeln.
If you really want to save and protect trees...
Wenn Sie wirklich die Bäume schützen und
sichern wollen...
Well, you'll understand if I want to protect myself.
Allerdings. Du wirst verstehen, dass ich mich
absichern werde.
Father and Mother, Lord and Lilith, protect me as I protect you from now until the hour of the true
Stunde des
wahren Todes.
Lord and Lilith, Father and Mother, protect me as I protect you, from this day until the hour of
zur Stunde des
wahren Todes.