Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "T" - Seite 99 to taste revoltingto taste rubberyto taste sth.to tatto tatterto tattleto tattle on sb.to tattletaleto tattletale on sb.to tattoo sb.to tauntto taunt sb.to taunt sb. with sth.to tautento taxto tax incometo tax realty income at the situsto tax sb./sth.to tax sb./sth. heavilyto tax sth.to tax sth. at sourceto tax sth. retroactivelyto tax sth. under PAYEto taxito taxi to a standstillto teach Germanto teach road safety through playto teach sb.to teach sb. a lessonto teach sb. to read musicto teach sb. to respect oneto teach {taughtto team downto team upto team up sb. with sb.to tear a hole into tear a muscleto tear a strip off so.to tear apart sth.to tear awayto tear downto tear into sb.to tear offto tear one's hairto tear oneself away from sth. {toreto tear opento tear open the Christmas presentsto tear out sth.to tear sb. from limb from limbto tear sb./an animal to piecesto tear sth. in halfto tear sth. in twoto tear sth. to piecesto tear sth. to pieces/shredsto tear sth. to shredsto tear sth. upto tear sth. {toreto tear upto tear {toreto tease apart sth.to tease flax or hempto tease mento tease out sth. from sb./sth.to tease sb.to tease sth.to tease woolto tease/teasel/teasle polyamid knitwareto tease/teasel/teasle tissueto teeto tee offto tee upto teem downto teem with rainto teem with sth.to teeterto teeter between sth.to teetheto teleautographto telecast sth. to telecommandto telecommunicateto telecontrolto telecopyto telediagnoseto telegraphto teleguideto telemeterto telemonitorto telephoneto telephone sb.to teleprintto teleprocessto telescopeto telescriptto teletypeto televise sth.to telewriteto tell a falsehoodto tell a fibto tell a joketo tell a lieto tell a taleto tell a tall storyto tell allto tell an expert from a dilettante.to tell dirty storiesto tell off sb.to tell sb. a fibto tell sb. a lieto tell sb. a taleto tell sb. about sth.to tell sb. liesto tell sb. one cannot cometo tell sb. sth.to tell sb. sth. confidentiallyto tell sb. sth. outrightto tell sb. the facts of lifeto tell sb. to get stuffed/effed offto tell sb. to take a running jump / a flying leapto tell sb. what they want to hearto tell sb. where to put it/goto tell sb.'s fortuneto tell so. to get stuffedto tell sth. from sth.to tell tales out of schoolto tell the truthTo tell the truth, I liked his first book better.to tell usTo tell you the truth, I don't remember.to tell {toldto temperto temper glassto temper steelto temper sth.to temper the wind to the shorn lambto temporarily shelve sth.to temporiseto temporizeto temptto tempt fateto tenant sth.to tendto tend to be sth.to tend to do/be sth.to tend to prevent sth.to tend to sth.to tenderto tender an oath to sb.to tender one's resignationto tender/hand in your resignationto tenderiseto tenderise meatto tenderizeto tenderize meatto tenseto tentto tergiversateto term