Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "B" - Seite 125 to bargain away sth.to bargain collectivelyto bargain for sth.to bargeto barge into barge in on a meetingto barhopto bark at sb./sth.to barnstormto barrackto barrelto barrel sth.to barricadeto barte sth. for sth. elseto barterto barter awayto barter sth.to baseto base oneself onto bashto bash sb. upto bash sb.'s head into bash sb./sth.to bash sth. into basifyto baskto bask in sth.to bask in the sunto bassetto bastardiseto bastardizeto basteto baste a roastto batto batchto bateto bathto bath sb./sth.to batheto bathe nudeto bathe sb./sth.to bathe sth.to batten cottonto batten down everything on the ship's deckto batten down sth.to batten down the hatchesto batten down the house before the floods hitto batten flaxto batten on sb./sth.to batten sth.to batten sth. to a work table etc.to batterto batter downto batter sb.to batter sb./sth.to battleto battle your wayto battle your way through to the finalto baulkto baulk at sth.to bawlto bawl a songto bawl at sb.to bawl outto bawl sb. outto bawl sth.to bay at the moonto bayonetto beto be ... ahead of sb.to be ... in numberto be / run in high gearto be 10 points behind/downto be 5 mm too longto be a 110/200 percenterto be a babe in the woodsto be a bad/poor loserto be a bar to sth.to be a bellwether of fashion to be a big issue for sb.to be a bird brainto be a bit crackersto be a bit hard upto be a black-market operatorto be a blazeto be a blockheadto be a burden to sb.to be a busybodyto be a byword for sth.to be a candidate againstto be a candidate for sth.to be a cause of worryto be a cheatto be a chickento be a chokerto be a civil servantto be a closed book to sb.to be a comment on whether/what/how/where etc.to be a contemptto be a creature of sth.to be a creature of the 80iesto be a crowd-pleaserto be a dabbler in sth.to be a dangerous placeto be a dead-ringerto be a deserterto be a deterrentto be a dime a dozento be a disgraceto be a disorganized messto be a drag on so.to be a drag on sth.to be a drain upon someone's pocket/resourcesto be a duffer at chemistryto be a fact of lifeto be a fair-weather friend/partnershipto be a fast workerto be a fast/quick learnerto be a feather in your capto be a female preserveto be a figment of sb.to be a fire hazardto be a fit occasion for sth.to be a fixtureto be a flopperooto be a foregone conclusionto be a gem of a ...to be a global playerto be a glutton for adventureto be a glutton for booksto be a glutton for punishmentto be a glutton for sth.to be a glutton for workto be a gonerto be a good housekeeperto be a good influenceto be a good linguistto be a good loserto be a good matchto be a good team playerto be a good walkerto be a good/bad omento be a gross-outto be a handfulto be a hard sellto be a haven/centre /center of tranquilityto be a headcaseto be a heavy/low spender on sth.to be a high priorityto be a humdingerto be a jack of all trades and a master of noneto be a kick in the teeth for sb.to be a lavish spenderto be a listed building/a protected treeto be a livewireto be a lone voice in the wildernessto be a long shot