Came that close to hitting the start button on the whoop-ass machine, boy.
Du warst so
knapp davor, die Prügelmaschine anzuwerfen, Junge.
- Well, yeah. Came close to dying about three different times.
- Dreimal
knapp am Tod vorbeigekommen.
Almost finished... I'm close to balancing the harmonics across the difficult sentra chords.
Fast fertig... ich habe
fast die Obertöne der schwierigen Senta-Akkorde ausbalanciert.
Rational individuals came that close to total destruction of their societies.
Rationale Menschen, die ihre Gesellschaften
fast ausgelöscht hätten.
Jackie Boy's head is close to me I could almost reach out and grab it right then and there.
Jackie Boys' Kopf so nah,
beinahe hätte ich ihn in die Hände gekriegt.
[del Toro] Before the war, his dominance in the industry was quite close to complete.
Vor dem Krieg war er in der Filmbranche
beinahe die unangefochtene Nummer eins.