Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch - Buchstabe "M" - Seite 132 to mercerizeto merchandiseto merchandizeto merely serve as an alibito mergeto merge into sth.to merit sth.to meshto mesmeriseto mesmerizeto messto mess aroundto mess around/aboutto mess upto mess up sth.to mess with sb.'s mind/headto mess/botch/screw things upto messageto metabolise sth.to metabolize sth.to metalto metal-clad sth.to metalliseto metallizeto metamorphoseto metastasiseto metastasizeto mete out rewards and punishmentsto mete out sth. to sb.to mete with a measureto meterto meter sth.to mewto mewlto miaouto miaowto micatizeto micro-cookto microchipto microniseto micronizeto microscopize sth.to microwaveto micturateto miff sb.to migrateto migrate a program to a new systemto migrate data from the old PC to the new oneto migrate from the country to the city/townto migrate sth.to migrate to other partiesto mike sb.to mike up sb.to mildewto militariseto militarizeto militateto militate against sth.to militate for/in favour of sth.to milkto milk a domestic animalto milk a snake for its venomto milk an animalto milk the systemto millto mill aboutto mill around to mill leatherto mill offto mill sth.to mimeto mime a sceneto mime sth.to mimeographto mimicto mimic sth.to minceto mince sth.to mindto mind sb./sth.to mind sth.to mind the shopto mind the storeto mineto mineraliseto mineralizeto mineralize roofing feltto mingleto mingle sth. and sth.to mingle with peopleto miniaturiseto miniaturizeto minimiseto minimise sth.to minimizeto minimize sth.to minishto ministerto minister to sb./sth.to minister/administer to sb./to sb.'s needsto minor into minor in sth.to mintto minute a formal meetingto minute sb. about sth.to mire sb./sth.to mirror sth.to misaddress sth.to misapply sth.to misapprehend sth.to misappropriate sth.to misbecome {misbecameto misbehaveto miscalculate sth.to miscallto miscarryto miscast {miscastto misclickto misconceive sth.to misconduct oneselfto misconstrue sth.to miscountto misdate sth.to misdeal {misdealtto misdemeanto misdemean oneself onto misdialto misdirect sb.to misdirect sth.to misdo {misdidto misestimateto misfileto misfile sth.to misfire