CSI Stokes has located the suspect and has him at gunpoint 300 yards due west of your position.
CSI Stokes hat ihn
lokalisiert und richtet die Waffe auf ihn, 300 Meter westlich Ihrer Position.
Records of the period are scarce, but I've always known that Vandal Savage can be located in 2147.
lokalisiert werden kann.
We tracked them downthrough his Hydra Network,but by the time we located them, they were already
Wir habe sie über das Hydra-Netzwerk aufgespürt, aber als wir sie
ausfindig gemacht haben, waren
Uh, this is oceanic airlines calling To inform you that we've, um, We've located your missing
verlorenengegangene Fracht
ausfindig gemacht haben.
But if Alexander Lindholm isn't located quickly ... I will include murder or the boy's abduction in
Aber wenn der Sohn Alexander nicht bald gesund
aufgefunden wird, weite ich die Ermittlungen aus.
I've located Tuvok and Seven, but there's a lot of interference.
lokalisierte Tuvok und Seven.
I've located Seven's shuttle. It's 2.5 million kilometers from here.
lokalisierte Sevens Shuttle, 2.5 Millionen Kilometer entfernt.
All units be advised, suspect Meeks located with hostage at 352 Vine.
Alle Einheiten werden informiert, Verdächtiger Meeks
geortet mit Geisel an 352 Vine.
Starfleet Intelligence has located a massive sensor array hidden on the periphery of the Argolis
Die Sternenflotte
ortete eine riesige Sensorenphalanx beim Argolis-Schwarm.
A nuclear submarine located his craft in the Beaufort Sea five days ago.
Eine Atom-U-Boot
ortete sein Schiff im Beaufort-Meer.